Soal UN, Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun 2005

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Cuplikan Soal UN: Inggris SMP Tahun 2005

Silahkan lihat dan pelajari dulu sebagian soal UN yang dapat rekan pelajari dirumah melalui cuplikan soal un Inggris berikut ini.

Animal Experimentation
Animals are widely used in laboratories. Mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are a few examples of animals used by researches and scientists for scientific and medical purposes. Scientists use the animal to investigate biological processes in humans and animals; to study the causes of diseases; to test drugs, vaccines, and surgical techniques; and to evaluate the safety of chemicals used in pesticides, cosmetics, and other products. Many animal function like humans so that they can be good models to understand the human body. Some animal suffer from the same diseases as humans do. Animal also carry a number of genes that are identical to human genes. With those similarities, scientists are able to learn much about the human by studying the animals.

What do researches scientists do in laboratories?

A. make drugs
B. do experiment
C. take care of animals
D. give medical treatment

Scientists learn about the human body by studying...

A. certain animals
B. human body itself
C. all kinds of animals
D. all living things

Based on the text, why do the scientists use animals for their experiments?

A. Animals are the most suitable objects.
B. Scientists don't want to use humans.
C. It easier to use animals than humans.
D. Animals have similarities to humans.

"They are used for scientific and medical purposes." (paragraph 1)
"They" in the sentence refers to ... Baca juga kumpulan soal ujian nasional terbaru

A. researches
B. laboratories
C. animals
D. scientists

Pinkan : Hi! I am Pinkan, I live in Bekasi. Nice to meet you. 
Bella : Hi! I am Bella. I live in Bogor ...

A. I'm a new student
B. We haven't met before
C. We are in the same class
D. Nice to meet you, too

Azka : What about your grandfather? Is he still alive?
Firman : Yes. He is still strong although he is almost seventy five.
The antonym of the underlined word is....

A. old
B. young
C. pale
D. weak

Ardhi : What does your sister do?
Bertha : She works at one of the French companies.
Ardhi : She must be able to speak French well.
Bertha : A little. But she ... speak English better.

A. mustn't
B. must
C. can't
D. can

Vena : I went to Pasar Baru with my cousin yesterday.
Jodi : What did you buy?
Vena : I ... a gold necklace for my mother's birthday.
Jodi : nice gift.

A. am buying
B. was buying
C. buy
D. bought

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